Season 1, Episode 62

Quantum Integrative Healing with Valentina Onisor & Amit Goswami

Join host Dr. Lorne Brown as he delves into the fascinating world of Quantum Integrative Medicine with renowned experts Amit Goswami and Valentina Onisor. In their latest book, “Quantum Integrative Medicine,” they unravel the mysteries of quantum physics and its profound implications for healthcare. Discover how consciousness shapes our healing journey and learn how quantum science bridges the gap between conventional and alternative medicine. Gain insights into the transformative power of self-love and forgiveness.

You will also discover practical techniques for enhancing vitality and promoting healing, including abdominal breathing and concentration meditation. These accessible practices empower individuals to cultivate self-awareness, activate vital energies, and foster resilience in the face of adversity.

As Goswami and Onisor share their expertise and passion for quantum healing, listeners are invited on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Whether you’re a healthcare professional or simply curious about the intersection of science and spirituality, this episode offers invaluable insights into harnessing the healing potential of Quantum Integrative Medicine.


Key Takeaways:

  • Quantum Integrative Medicine: A comprehensive approach to healing and wellness
  • Consciousness in Healing: The power of positive thoughts and emotions
  • Heart-Centered Healing: Cultivating self-love and forgiveness
  • Practical Techniques: to activate vital energies
  • Holistic Wellness: The interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit

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Lorne Brown:

By listening to the Conscious Fertility Podcast, you agree to not use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others. Consult your own physician or healthcare provider for any medical issues that you may be having. This entire disclaimer also applies to any guest or contributors to the podcast. Welcome to Conscious Fertility, the show that listens to all of your fertility questions so that you can move from fear and suffering to peace of mind and joy. My name is Lorne Brown. I’m a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and a clinical hypnotherapist. I’m on a mission to explore all the paths to peak fertility and joyful living. It’s time to learn how to be and receive so that you can create life on purpose.

So welcome to another episode of the Conscious Fertility Podcast, and today I have two doctors authors with me. Their latest book we’re going to list all their books is Quantum Integrative Medicine. For those watching this on our YouTube channel, I’m holding up a cover of the book for those on the podcast. It’s a copy of the book you’re going to want to get and I’m going to introduce both our guests. And the first is we have Amit Goswami here, a retired physicist and we have Valentina Onisor, a medical doctor, also trained in Chinese medicine, yoga, Ayurvedic medicine. And I’m going to give an introduction to both starting with Amit. Amit, can I tell people your age? Is that okay if I tell them that you’ve been around, that you’ve gone around the sun a few times? So Amit has lived a life and he’s at the time of this recording, he’s 87 years old, right?

Am I correct to say that? Yeah. Amazing and sharp as ever, still publishing work and doing so many things in our world. So thank you. And he’s a retired professor of physics. I’m from the University of Oregon where he served from 1967 to 1997. In 1985, he discovered the solution to the quantum measurement problem and developed a science of experience explicating how consciousness splits into subject and object. Secretly, he developed a theory of reincarnation and integrated conventional and alternative medicine with the new quantum science of health. Among his discoveries are the quantum theory of the creative process, the theory of quantum evolution, the science of love and happiness. I’m going to pause there. There’s more, but we’re going to have to talk about this because a lot of our listeners have a lot of questions about love in general and relationships. So also the theory of quantum economics.

Well, the world is in a little bit of a problem here, so we may want to talk to you a little bit about how quantum can solve our abundance issue and also the theory of quantum spirituality based on the exploration of wholeness. Now as I mentioned, he’s a prolific writer. He’s an author of many books, the Self-Aware Universe, Physics of the Soul, and the Quantum Doctor. I read that one. Excellent. God’s Not Dead. Listen to that one as well. Quantum Creativity, the Everything Answer Book Quantum Spirituality, which he wrote with our other guest today. Valentina Onisor, the Quantum Brain. Also they co-wrote Quantum Activation, the Quantum Psychology and Science of Happiness. He was also featured in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? And the documentaries Dalai Lama Renaissance and the quantum activists. And I understand, I think you guys have another book coming out on quantum relationships.

You continue to write and they also have a university PhD program on this whole quantum science, which hopefully you guys will share a little bit more information. Our other guest today is Dr. Valentina Onisor. She’s a medical doctor, so our practicing physician specializes in family medicine who integrates various systems of alternative medicine including acupuncture, Aveda, naturopathy, aromatherapy, homeopathy into her medical practice. So she is the living essence of integrative medicine. I’m now going to learn a new term. Quantum integrative medicine. She’s committed to consciousness awakening related sciences for over two decades and is a pioneer of quantum integrative medicine. She’s also a yoga meditation teacher. She’s made correlations between the ancient science and quantum physics using both as a support for her teachings through unique system quantity healing Valentina inspires people to achieve physical, emotional and spiritual health that can allow for profound and long lasting integration and regeneration on all levels. And as I mentioned, she’s also a co-author along with Dr. August Wami on many books including Quantum Spirituality, the Quantum Brain, and the Awakening of Intelligence Quantum Integrated Medicine, which we’re going to talk about today and I don’t think it’s out yet, but the other book you guys are working on is the Quantum Science of Love and Relationship. Is that published yet?

Valentina Onisor:

Nope, not yet. One year. The next one is on archetypes. The first one,

Lorne Brown:

We’re going to get a teaser today on love and relationships. So I kind of want to start off with, I think we need to define some terms. We’ve had many guests and our podcast is called the Conscious Conscious Fertility Podcast. You’re using the term quantum integrative medicine. Can we get a little sense of what we’re talking about when we talk about quantum? Who would like to start with just kind giving us a definition and maybe lead into what’s the difference then between integrative medicine versus allopathic medicine versus alternative medicine, and then how do you differentiate between quantum integrative medicine and just integrative medicine? So can we kind of define these topics please?

Amit Goswami:

Okay, take quantum. I guess I should volunteer. Quantum is the same word as quantum physics means just the elementary particles of both matter and energy consist of discrete quantities. These discrete entities are called one for radiation for energy and called elementary particles for matter, but they’re the same thing. The idea of discrete quantity, it cannot break down quant to any further denomination. That said, the special thing about quantum objects is that there are possibilities for consciousness to choose from. And this is why quantum physics is duty because Newtonian physics has no room for consciousness. It’s purely science or objects. And so science, if it’s Newtonian physics and only material objects like multipli do today, they have no way of really introducing consciousness as we know it. As we know it of course is that only experiencing consciousness requires the subject and the object.

But materialists only have objects. Newtonian physics only has objects, quantum physics because objects are possibilities. Quantum physics has to introduce consciousness to make sense of the possibility. Two from possibilities, the actual event of experience. So this gives you a solid foundation who are considering everything that pertains to a human being. This is why integrative medicine, if you do it any other way, won’t be a complete theory. It’ll be partly philosophy. For example, Chinese medicine introduced the concept of Q or vital energy that is different from physical energy to non-physical energy. But there is no way to introduce a non-physical entity in science unless quantum science comes in. And there is no way to introduce non-physical entities in philanthropy without introducing dualism, which is that their separate world of non-physical and physical, but separate world of non-physical and physical gives us the problem of interaction.

Non-physical cannot interact with physical without a mediator or in quantum time. Consciousness is the ground of wellbeing. Possibilities of both vital mental and material are possibilities of consciousness to choose from the consciousness ally chooses material as they chooses the vital and the mental. So even a sense, you must say vital and mental are math or presented in the material. So in this way one term science is giving us a complete theory, otherwise they’ll get theory plus philosophy. And the philosophy then has to be justified empirically. Of course there is plenty of empirical justification for the Chinese system of medicine as well as Indian system of whether as well as homeopathy. But quantum science is giving us, enabling us to develop a complete theory of medicine. So this book we are very proud of because it took the time that we have a theory if the neuropathic medicine really does not have any theory, but we really have a theory of health and so we can suggest preventive health because without the theory you don’t know how to prevent disease and we can. So main forte is where Valentina’s contribution was major because she has been a preventive medicine doctor for our entire career. Okay, now Valentina, you take over.

Valentina Onisor:

Yeah. So it is indeed, again we speak about this bonafide preventive medicine. That’s the integration that we speak about in this book, especially on techniques of nutrition, just techniques and also theory of nutrition for all the five bodies as Amid mentioned, physical, vital mental soul or supplemental and spirit. And in this way we get a handle for disease prevention. And in my experience, again, so I’ve been trained first of all in allopathic tradition and I’ve been specialized in family medicine with this reason because I already knew from my father, my father, he was specialized in preventive medicine and it was already very interesting for me this and together with the interest I got in spirituality since I was very baby and then all this came together with the other traditional medicines that I have learned and practiced. But I also noticed that practitioners of alternative medicine are equally corn of the allopathic practice.

So both of them, they have all this superiority while looking at each other and kind of refusing to integrate to come together. And obviously it’s a lack of truth there and lack of maturity I would say. And then my deepest question was really how to go from these deep divisions among practitioners of the two camps to an integral medicine that both camps will accept. So again, back to the philosophical roots of all the medicine practices and discover this unifying bridge building philosophy which is quantum science. And if we don’t have a proper theory, conventional medicine is largely forced to state disease centers. So that’s why I mean we are speaking about an optimistic medicine, you see not just the empty part of the glass, but again, if we don’t acknowledge all these other qualities and richness that can come from the awareness and working on what’s happening with the other bodies and for example, where the root of a certain disease or sufferance is from, usually it’s not in the physical body only after many, many years when you’re not really looking into the problem correctly then.

So it’s a whole new approach. We deal with health and healing and there are many important theoretical developments and also practical obviously. And especially we’re talking about an elevated physiology for organs in the navel and the heart areas. That’s why we speak about the chakras. When this was available for humanity, for millennials and in the past it has kept us away from chronic diseases more than it’s happening today. Today. So many problems, cancers, Alzheimer not to mention. So a lot of faulty worldview and lifestyle, a lot of separation, what’s happening nowadays. So again, there’s a lot of knowledge and practical things to instill in both areas because again, as you know probably Amit wrote the quantum doctor in 2004 I think. And this is a further step from all that knowledge that was at that time.

Lorne Brown:

I want to ask a couple of questions around what you guys both shared and kind of summarize what I think I’m hearing and when I have guests on. If you’re somebody that’s more from the alternative or the yoga tradition or intuitive tradition, then I push hard on the science side. And if you’re more of an allopathic trained science than I push more on the conscious that’s the side I take, right? To see if we can grow and learn. And you guys come from both. So this is going to be really interesting. You are integrative. So what I’m hearing, and the first part of what you shared is there’s this new science where there’s science called, there’s quantum physics. And it seems like medicine in general is dominated by Newtonian physics, materialism, and you’re suggesting that there’s another science that can explain why we have disease and how disease can heal and how we can prevent disease.

And so I’m hearing that part correct, right? That there’s a whole other, when we look at it from a materialistic Newtonian world, then you’re like a machine and parts wear out and we need drugs and surgery to try and fix things. It’s a very physical medicine. When you get into quantum physics, you mentioned consciousness, so now we have to, I don’t know if you can define it because nobody’s really been able to define it, but people use the term consciousness. There’s something beyond space and time, non-local that we experience. And it seems like everything is unmanifested as you use the term. There’s this potential, there’s constant potential. Things are in waves. I’m using terms that I’ve heard from speakers, although I don’t think I know what I’m talking about, but there are waves and then as soon as you put your attention to it, they can collapse into particles.

And now we have the physical manifestation. And Valentina, you’re talking about the five bodies. I’ve heard you say chakras and you talked about the five bodies and I’d love to hear them again. And the physical, I think people get okay, the physical, and I think I heard mental vitality, maybe emotional, spiritual. How do you work with your colleagues when they hear chakras? Because we tend to like to measure things and if we can’t measure things then we don’t always believe they exist. So how do you get through that first? What I consider a roadblock of creating that integration when you’re talking about things that a lot of people don’t recognize is real.

Amit Goswami:

Actually what has helped enormously is that now vital energy can be measured. Gian photography, biophoton emission, these are very sophisticated techniques, but they’re solidly based on the fact that we have a bioelectric body of the skin. This can be measured and this bioelectric body, they field up the bioelectricity is very sensitive to our feelings and emotion and therefore we are measuring it today and especially this BioPort emission when it matures, this is just very nuclear, but when it matures we really can tell already our friend joo palero already has measured people, for example, who have enormous love in their heart versus people who don’t. And the bio photo emission spectrum is so different. You can tell right away, okay, there’s no question that this person is special. Is it hard? Well, of course that part cannot be directly verified yet, but soon we probably can even localize, okay, this person’s heart is the place where there is some awakening. Valentina talked about higher physiology. This awakening of the heart gives us, it’s the quantum ization of the heart. Heart becomes quantum. When

Lorne Brown:

You say heart goes quantum,

Amit Goswami:

I’m curious, heart becomes quantum.

Lorne Brown:

What do you mean by that? And there’s a few things I just want to unpack a bit. You talked about how we think and feel and in Chinese medicine the number one cause of disease is when our thoughts or emotions are out of imbalance, it can lead to disease and in conscious work. And what I see in my practice is these old traumas that the issues are stuck in the tissues are causing a lot of these health problems. And when we can release these emotional traumas or these old programs beliefs, there’s free flow again in the body, right?

Amit Goswami:


Lorne Brown:

You said in one of your books about is it the heart that doesn’t get cancer? You said every organ can get cancer, but is it the heart, the only organ that does get cancer? Right? Right. Okay. I just find that fascinating. You may want to add on that, but you talked about the heart going quantum, I’ve heard about heart brain coherence and that you’re saying they’re measuring photons in the biofield of the heart. Many people say we’re like broadcasting out. And so can you talk a little bit more about the importance of the heart and you’ve brought into your book and I’ve heard many other experts I have on here that are scientists as well and they’re talking, talking and we’re distilling down and down and then finally say, okay, it’s all about love, right?

Amit Goswami:

Love is the

Lorne Brown:


Amit Goswami:

That is covered and we decide co love is fantastic, I tell you, but love is not the answer to everything. For example, type two diabetes, the answer is self love, not so much other love. So there are some things that are the major disease like dementia or schizophrenia, these are purely brain diseases. So there are diseases which do not involve the heart at the primary reason, but getting back to how the heart becomes quantum, the whole difference between Newtonian and quantum, the phenomenal called decoherence. When an object becomes beat, like any macro object including our heart, including our brain, then what happens at the individual power they move but not in synchrony with each other like rock and roll dancing. One goes one way, one goes the other way. And so although consciousness can connect to the individual, consciousness cannot connect to the whole thing.

In other words the whole thing, macroscopically, is unable to connect to consciousness. Only individual parts can connect to consciousness. So consciousness, nothing to choose from because consciousness can choose only at the macroscopic level. So consciousness can choose at the cellular level but not at the organ level. So the ordinary heart is therefore very limited. It’s just a machine blood pump. But when the heart is awakened, when different parts of the heart start dancing in faith, this is what we call coherent. Every part is moving together like choreographed dancing. So this is a very special situation. Heart becomes quantum, this coherence that has been discovered by the heart button institute, the data that you draw about, and this is the basis which shows that when heart becomes quantum, then heart physiology changes. Just like in the butterfly and caterpillar phenomena. Caterpillar has a set of genes that work for the caterpillar state, but when the caterpillar becomes a butterfly, a completely different set of genes or to give you a different set of physiology, the same thing happens at the heart because of this quantum leap. So now we can love, we care for another, this extra physiological ability develops. And so our general ion is as a result, the immune system becomes very healthy. And this is where all those healing properties are, because a healthy immune system is wonderful, it can prevent cancer, it can prevent heart disease, all kinds of stuff.

Valentina Onisor:

Okay, let me add some things because that’s my favorite chapter. So yes, I would say as you started for me a human being is human and really starts enjoying what is this gift of life as a human being in the physical body when we awaken the heart. And this awakening of the heart is not just thinking of the heart, it’s much more than that. It really takes a quantum leap to do that. And if you look into the science of chakras, the first three chakras are more instinctual if you want to say. And then even in the Christian tradition. So we go over many traditions, especially the Christian tradition, the Hindu tradition, which brings a lot of theories, and Tibetan traditions when you speak about what’s happening after somebody dies. So for me, again, that’s the place where we start really enjoying this human experience.

And we are not so much dominated by all the negative emotion brain circuits when you discover the space of the heart. And also again, if you think of these main quantum principles, the easiest to perceive principle of how we can really connect to that space of oneness is through non locality. And heart is the signature of non locality is the easiest way to tap into this non locality. And eventually the heart as I’m calling it, it’s not just a physical heart. You can go very deep and discover the spiritual heart, which actually it’s a gate for super mental experience, super supplemental. Again, it’s one of these bodies that we have. We have so many things that we really don’t explore usually in this life and it is a PTS. So education is something which we consider to be essential. So it’s the same as if you want to eat or you want to take a bath, it should get into a healthy educational system.

And of course about medicines, it’s our favorite topic but about everything until for example, we become aware that we have this dominance that the pain is giving off the negative emotional brain circulate, which is five times stronger than the positive ones which we have to create. So until even realizing this, which is discovered in neuroscience already, and then you may have another approach because when you go further and discover your heart and awaken your heart at least a little bit and also connect with your physical body, connect with the feelings in the body, which we call feelings as the experience on the chakras, that’s when you have the chance to create the positive emotion brains, which of course is the path towards healing, but is the path towards growth also. So for me, healing and growth and transformation go definitely together and I’m looking at disease or sufferance as a message if you want, of transformation. So it’s giving you very clear feedback of what’s happening with yourself.

Lorne Brown:

It’s an opportunity for growth. Many have said that when you have these crises, whether it’s emotional or physical or a life situation, you can have the attitude that’s happening to me as a victim. So you suffer more or you can use it as an opportunity, as an awakening and it’s happening for you and you grow from it. When you talked about the spiritual heart, so the heart coherence and the spiritual heart, I just have some questions around that and you use the term super mentality and so again it is just nice to get an understanding of these definitions. I often have heard the term that when you find this presence, which sounds like when you get into the heart when you’re fully present, they say you tap your higher self and you tap into big C consciousness. When you say super mentality, is that your higher self or is that big C consciousness that you’re referring to? How are you describing super mentality when you say you can tap into

Amit Goswami:

That? It’s both the heart, the quantum heart connects to the archetype of love today. So what is happening is that this is the first quantum leap that the heart can take. So in the first quantum leap, which you experience as romantic love, we can love the other who is intimate with me. It is still love that comes from the architect. So in a sense it is still supplemental in the sense that we can make positive emotions out of this romantic love or the love that our parents or children that kind of love. And then when Valenti was talking about spiritual heart, this is the heart of Jesus for example, which is famous in Christianity. We have seen that I’m sure in pictures, big heart, that’s the expansion of consciousness where we are really awakening this spirit that requires a second quantum leap of unconditional love. So that’s when super intelligent don upon us because now we really are into the supplemental domain, supplemental body of ourselves really developing positive emotions in their full force. So Valentina is very enthusiastic because both of us are now working on that kind of stuff.

Lorne Brown:

Well on that and there’s so much I want to talk about this and I want to jump into at some point just relationships because a lot of the people I see come in and relationships can be a trigger for them. And we talk about, I call it conscious relationships. Your term is quantum relationships. A question I have for you is my own personal experience and the people I see. You’re talking about love and positive thoughts or emotions, but they actually come in with that negative state. And when we start to do this, I call it conscious work or this quantum integrative healing. When I’ve gone through your book, I think we’re on the same page on this. I’m asking you the question as why is this that the first things that seem to come up are these uncomfortable feelings. And no matter what the story is, whether you’re wealthy or poor, healthy or sick, relationship, not relationship, when you distill down the story and get into the feeling and the subconscious programming, the feelings are shame and guilt and not belonging and not enough and for whatever reason they’re very uncomfortable feelings. But if you can really sit in those feelings, be present and witness them without judging them and analyze them, and I have tools in your book, you have tools if you can really get practice at this, it seems like they act like a doorway into presence, which I think you call getting into the super mentality, tapping into the higher consciousness. But it seems like you have to go through this veil or this filter and it’s really, really uncomfortable. Yes,

Amit Goswami:

You really do have to go through a filter,

Lorne Brown:

But so what happens? Is that a common thing that you guys have seen in your research, in your clinics then? Because because

Amit Goswami:

Is the unfortunate thing for most people. They do not have a quantum heart. They go through the petrol. Men, women mostly, at least in the older cultures, American women are losing it. But women in most other countries are not so ceal. Their hearts are already taking a quantum leap and it is acknowledged in their childhood. Most people, many people take the quantum leap of the heart, but what happens is that they forted it later and some people never take the quantum beliefs of the heart. And those are the rugged old individual men who refuse to be vulnerable to anyone. They literally cannot love because love is a foreign concept to them. What do they feel in the heart chapter? They feel defensiveness, the immune system dominates their heart’s chapter time of gland. So this is the problem, the negative that you’re talking about, basically it comes from defensiveness. I already have a shield against you. I have to defend against you because you are an adult, even not me. This is the job of the immune system. So you get stuck in that mindset, do know,

Valentina Onisor:

Yeah, I have lots and you’re so wonderful, I feel so good talking to you. I could talk so much. I mean it’s so triggering so many things. So yeah, I had tons of experience in my relationships and I know what this can take also. So both ways actually I had as I’m so passionate in my life, so I kind of dared to go to the depths of the things. So I went very deeply into the negative as well as the positive. So I’m glad for my experiences really, but you have to understand, you have to, okay, eventually it would be ideal obviously to have a partner or lover, eventually husband or wife where you live in a committed relationship where you want to transform both of you and also and then things can happen because you can engage into what we call creativity and creativity.

Again, obviously it’ll refer to what tangle hierarchy. That’s another term that we’ll have to define, which tangle hierarchy is not just in a lover’s relationship, but it’s also between me as a medical doctor and my patient. So it’s not a superior, inferior relationship is not a dominant relationship. So we have so many of these negative circuits unless we develop our own, all these levels of consciousness, which are the chakras, all these words of manifestation which are there to be discovered until then we’ll still be dominated by what the brain is putting in. And there’s so much anger, there’s so much fear, there’s domination. So especially again, as I said in the beginning, we are under all these negative emotional circuit dominance, which are instinctual, you are kind of reactive, reacting more than acting. And when there’s this bomb, which I call this engine of transformation in a couple’s relationship, that’s going to be so much more healing and so much more transformation, then whatever you can do by yourself.

Because if you are alone, you can transform and you can even have so many fantasies about your transformation. But actually life will give you the feedback when you encounter a person that you want to start a love relationship with. But then you will see, okay, I’m still full of shit really and then I want to transform and then this person next to me ideally would be a mature person. And we both can hold our spaces like the temples. There are all these beautiful metaphorical poems, Rab and the Rumi and all that they help describe love is there. So you have to hold your space and not so much be so into, I mean of course if you have a lot of fears in your own life and you didn’t develop many chara, the abdominal brain, then you will be so much in a dependency called dependency and creating all these visual circuits which can not just put you out of love completely, but also it can get you sick.

So at the same time when you have a partner that you can really work with, you can empower each other consciously, not fantasies really, but be able to develop your empathy. It’s like a flower that you can cultivate and it’s always new. And again, engaging in creativity, you can really have this relationship in which you discover something new every day. It’s like a whole universe in one person. We shouldn’t get so tired, but we have to also know how to keep that newness, how to keep that first, the initial spark of divine love which is manifesting there in your heart, which is a gift. Then again, as we learn how to work with these higher archetypes, then we learn how to cultivate this flower of love and how to, for example, heal how to work with forgiveness in a couple relationship because that’s one of the things we should learn how to do. And it’s much easier when you do it together with somebody than you can really go through very, very old wounds of the past and heal them in the presence of love. For example, there are many, many things

Lorne Brown:

I’m smiling inside. The last part you said is, I’m going to use my words, but a partner in your relationship triggers you so you get to heal. So I think we have to put something in, we have to be transparent and I’ve heard other conscious teachers say that relationships aren’t here to make you happy. They’re here to make you conscious. So that’s why you’re like, it’s great because they trigger you so you can find where your wounds are. That’s been my experience, right? The relationships show you where you have, like you say, blocks are feeling separate and again it’s a question for you. It seems like when you work with men and women, when they kind of heal and have that quantum heart, they start to see their partner differently. Their relationship changes not because their partners change, but because they have changed.

Valentina Onisor:

So I was giving you one example. I mean I was married once and then I divorced and I’m very happy for both of them, for the marriage and for the divorce. I mean I had this wonderful relationship with this guy and still after the divorce because we both went through a lot of phases and maturity kicked in a beautiful way and we continued our life beautifully. And then afterwards we met and we became, he’s my best friend. He’s the person I can trust the most. So everything is changing as if you really don’t know the person that is next to you in that time when you are kind of only in your world of projection and expectation and you’re putting superficial effort there, just going, taking it for granted most of that. So we take for granted and we may even have a quantum leap of love, especially in our youth and we take them for granted, which means that we don’t get to create that power of the software in the heart and we have to do it later, no problem. So we have another chance of this quantum leap later in life, but first of all, what’s happening we take for granted. So all these wonderful experiences, instead of allowing them to transform us very deep, we take them for granted and then dance comes or disease comes and eventually you ask yourself, do I want to live this way or what

Amit Goswami:

Result? My experience also taught me a lot because I was a ceal person. As a physicist, that’s the natural way to be right? So I spent until I was 37 on this very cerebral board, natural thinking, materialist thinking, and then I got married a second time and this wife says, she doesn’t tolerate my saying I love you because she said it salt, you have to laugh from your heart. And that’s what challenged me to what is this heart she is talking about what a physic handle. Eventually discover how a heart which is a blood pump can actually manage to transform to an evolutionary love and transform again to volution love more than one person at the same time and the entire world in fact. So this is a long, long progression of transformation, but the important thing is that if we learn to feel the expansion of consciousness that spirituality talks about, if we can feel it very easily at the heart and once you feel that you tell expanding your consciousness to include another person, that’s what loving another person is you take care of yourself and take care of her, of him as much as you take care of yourself.

This ability is just, if you think about it, tremendous. You are completely overruling your bual system which says the other is the other you are you the complete overruling it instead saying no other is me. So that’s the discovery, the initial discovery of the spirit that all of us can do just by having a loving relationship in our life, not only to talk about health benefits but look at the benefits in terms of behavior in the world. How can I ever, A lover cannot institute a word. We still trust terrorism and that just could not happen if we could just propagate love if not the romantic level. And then of course the unconditional level of the heart of Jesus, that’s another level altogether. But at that level we become super mental beings.

Lorne Brown:

And when you talk about going back into your book about quantum integrative healing and quantum integrative medicine, you talk about lifestyle. So some of the common things that people can read, it’s becoming more common knowledge on the web and talking to many health professionals, proper diet, proper sleep, lifestyle, hygiene. I think where the big paradigm shift has been happening is on the emotional side and we are talking about love and my experience and understanding is really this self-love, not in a narcissistic way, but the self-acceptance and self-love. Is this something that you share in your book and in your work of self-acceptance and love and what are some of the practices that you recommend because it’s not so much, I’ll put it out there for the listeners. You can read all the self-help books you want and you’re not going to be quantum or conscious. It requires you to do the process work. You actually have to do practice . It has been my experience to have the transformation. The value is not in the knowledge, the value is in the application of the knowledge. And so you can talk the talk and sound like a guru but not have the transformation inside. It really requires process work. So I guess the question is what are some of the process worker exercises that you guys subscribed to allow for this quantum healing on those five bodies that you mentioned?

Valentina Onisor:

So obviously it is super important because again, I discovered even if we keep developing all kinds of devices, all kinds of the best support for the physical body and all kinds of pills still is not going to be enough. You can eat salads and best proteins and whatever all day long, but if you maintain all this negativity you’ll not progress on the path of healing and obviously as you mentioned, so when we still maintain these feelings of a victim in the background of our being, that’s not a sign of healing. So you know that you are making a step on the path of healing when you become responsible for all that and you are not taking it as if God is punishing you or the universe or oh my God, so not so again, you have to come out of this victim attitude, but it’s not enough.

The time I say that you have to come out, obviously it’s not, sometimes it’s not easy. Sometimes it can take many years. And also keep in mind that some things, yes, it can be part of this big cycle, which is again, many lives so according to what you have assumed to Katie and to transform and to heal in this lives, but still this is still not something to make us be passive and all this passive attitude is not very much helping. So it’s love is something active forgiveness, it’s an active part and still at the same time it doesn’t mean that you have to be in all this do mode. So it’s only that. So we need to kind of allow creativity, you have to understand creativity is something very important to understand how it starts. So we’ll have to get into this topic because creativity is applied both in healing and in developing all these brains and in everything creativity. And you found maybe some of this in the book in that movie The Secret which is not really giving the secret. So we have to step into creativity and again self-love and self-acceptance. It is a must. And even though maybe you heard about matters like hope and don’t do it like that. You cannot just say if you don’t really mean it. So they’re just saying you repeat this formula, I love you and I dunno what, but if you don’t really feel it, you shouldn’t even do it because it’s about being fake. The

Lorne Brown:

Feeling is key, right? You have to feel it. That’s the language of the subconscious. It seems the feelings, I always describe it Valentina, that you have an intention or a thought. So you’re saying your affirmation, but that’s the intention. But the feeling is what puts the power behind the intention. It’s like the beacon that goes out into the ether and if you say I love you, but inside you hate yourself or I want to be wealthy, but inside you feel lack. It’s the lack that gets sent out there. It

Amit Goswami:

Doesn’t. This is why besides very much not only the awakening of the heart but also awakening of the structure because the na chara teaches you that self esteem, self love, and these two are equally important. Otherwise you become dependent on the other side to provide for you male depends on the female to take care of the relationship and the female depends on the demand to take care of worldly aspects of things. This is basically got to go. We have to become independent, take responsibility for our own actions, not depend on somebody else even though that somebody may be my intimate relationship. So if we start integrating, this is why Jesus says so much, get the male and the female when I’m quoting exactly when males shall not be male and female, shall not be female, then shall we winter the kingdom of heaven. This is a quote from Jesus according to Thomas.

Lorne Brown:

How do we interpret that when he says that?

Amit Goswami:

Well, that in disintegration we interpret exactly like William has a strong heart, men have strong wr. When you make the two memories balance, self-love another love, then you are ready for the supplemental, ready for the spirit. So self-love

Lorne Brown:

And love of other,

Valentina Onisor:

Let me get some practices in about this because again, there are some things which you can start with and again, no matter how long it takes, but obviously being in a sedentary life and just watching movies and sitting, this is not one of the things, but what we all should do is for example, do simply abdominal greetings. That means that anyway we have to engage into deeper breath. Usually we just breathe cla, which is a superficial mode. It’ll just make us more anxious and it’s not helping. But if you simply take a deeper breath and exhale in and out and while keeping relaxed the shoulders and the spine straight and aware of the breath, you simply can pay attention In the abdominal area. There is again, it’s really the first brain that is discovered there, the emotional brain, but it is a brain. Manipura chakra is there and that is connected.

It’s psychology. Chara psychology is describing again Manipura chakra connected with kind of self-love, self, self-acceptance and also it’s connected with the willpower. The willpower, the courage of transformation starts there. So it’s an area, it’s also called symbolically fire energy in that area because there is a fire, the fire of transformation starts there and if you simply do abdominal breeding as often as possible, so we have so many bad moments instead of just thinking of things and regurgitating the repeating thoughts, unfinished thoughts which come in our head, we can better do abdominal breathing. And eventually after some time you will realize that something will pop up there and something the way you see things will really change. And especially women, if you have the abdomen contracted like wood, it’s really happening like that. That means the energy, they simply don’t function in that area.

And this can lead to many diseases. First of all, the energy doesn’t have the chance to collapse. We speak about the collapse of the energies from the lower chakras, mola chakras, Stan Chakra, the first two chakras below Manipura chakra. The first play where the ser can collapse is in the abdominal area. And if they don’t have this chance because the abdomen is very contracted that you’re very much prone to develop cyst, fibromas, urinary infections. So I don’t know, so many problems, whatever is related to the organs below this area, but also you’re very much prone to develop stomach problems, intestinal problems, all this irritable bowel syndrome for example, that you keep hearing obviously related to many chakra problems, constipation and ulcers. Out of stress there is. So there are many things. You can even massage this area with intent. You can rub your pants and massage deeply on an empty stomach both directions and that’s another thing again.

And then simply do some abdominal breathings. And there you have a practice already to start a day with more self-confidence, which comes from money. Poor chakra. Without self-confidence, we don’t have the courage, we don’t have the perseverance to go through a healing process, to go through life to go towards love. We need that self-confidence, which is not about being proud of anything, it’s not being proud or lacking. Confidence is the same problem. So developing that healthy self-confidence is putting you in touch even with God’s will eventually. And then you have the right approach towards life and integration at that level, which can only awaken once you purify and develop this level. And then for the heart, for me, the way to do it, it’s again engaging forgiveness and then forgiveness about others or relations that there was a lot of misusing or ignoring there or revenge or grudge many times, again, you have to go back to the childhood, but also forgiveness of yourself because many times if you are getting wiped and then you’re wiping yourself a hundred times more, that’s interesting to see that actually you’re not blaming the others, you are blaming yourself in a very deep level.

So first you start with a conscious way to work with forgiveness while also doing something for the heart. There are exercises, there’s pranayama, there’s this very simple practice in S called in the yoga tradition where you’re pressing the ponds with this attitude of prayer with the pure heart. And there’s a N here which is helping activate the heart, but you have to have the intent to connect to your heart to bring yourself healing and love. So the first stage again is this forgiveness. And then eventually another stage is called healing. So you go to the real healing. Forgiveness is a beginning, it’s allowing a new beginning. You want a new beginning because it’ll allow you to regenerate. And the healing level, it requires quantum leaps, it’s called, we call it the recovery of the soul. And so healing would consist of starting again a relationship, a new relationship with yourself and developing the navel and with others also and developing the heart, the romantic love for sure and go through the quantum of romance once again. And then you can even speak of this romance with God if you want at some level. If you are alone and you don’t have somebody in your life, you can still develop this relationship. You’re not alone. This thing that we feel alone, that’s a problem because that’s not the real thing. We keep ourselves alone and separated by lack of knowledge I would say.

Lorne Brown:

I want to summarize what I heard and I want to add to it and ask questions. So the naval part, you talked about breadth and just to remind the listeners that if you’ve been listening to other episodes or those that see me in my practice, I always set the intention that the practice is simple, simple breath is simple, simple, powerful, effective, and playful is always my intention. And if you like complicated things, then I think you’re going to have trouble having quantum integrative medicine because it’s simple, it’s not complicated and the breath is simple. And we have more and more studies about using the breath and how it affects heart rate variability, and engages the parasympathetic Valentina talked about that congestion, we call it stagnation in the lower jaw, the lower abdomen where you get all kinds of physical elements. And we are talking about reproductive health here as well.

So cyst fibroids, she mentioned reproductive issues. So we want the circulation so we breathe into the belly with a nice long exhale that can engage the parasympathetic. Then when you went to the heart, something that I thought of as you talked about forgiveness, and it’s just been for myself and in my patients I use the word acceptance because I feel like all words have a vibration to it. David Hawkins has written about this in power versus force and for some people it’s difficult to forgive, they can’t get there. But we can accept the meaning of this thing happening. I don’t like it, but I accept that it happened. So when you’re not able to forgive or you can’t accept, and again I may jump in as the quantum physicist, I’m just telling you how my left brain, I used to be an accountant, a CPA before I did doctor Chinese medicine.

So that part of my brain still needs to understand for me to relax into it. So I understand that when you’re fighting with reality, you create resistance. In Chinese medicine we call it cheese stagnation. And when you have resistance, you don’t have flow and receptivity that does not feel good. We call that stress in the west as well. And then disease manifests when the resistance is dropped, which I believe happens when you have what you’re calling forgiveness in the heart or I use the word, when you can fully accept what is surrender to what isn’t accepted, the resistance drops, you drop into presence and now you have flown receptivity and you’re connecting to what I think is your higher self, which is all potentiality. And this is where amazing things can

Amit Goswami:

Happen. There’s the difference, which I must explain. Acceptance and forgiveness are not the same thing. Acceptance begins the process. Acceptance is okay, I accept what is. That begins the process. Forgiveness is a proactive process. You have to now, then you have to go. There are two things here. See, when the heart is blocked, that means that the heart is not working in the quantum way. That’s what blockage means. Heart attacks on the quantum way. It produces love. In fact, the heart does not act in a quantum way. It goes back to the defensive mode. Love is no longer love. Energy is no longer being created. Two things are responsible for it. One, at the vital level we are not quantum using the quantum heart. And the second is what caused it. The mental part is what is giving the wrong meaning. Acceptance stops the mind from making part of the damage. And then we have to be proactively at the water at the vital level. This is what Valenti’s talking about, this forgiveness training is more than mental forgiveness. It requires vital energy. 

Lorne Brown:

Can we go a little deeper into this forgiveness? I feel like I have a good grasp of the acceptance on a mental and experiential level and I facilitate people in that. Do you find that when you can get into a state of acceptance, the forgiveness just happens naturally, it’s almost a non-doing because of your acceptance or is it an active process that is required? And do you have tips for that process to forgive? Because as you said earlier, if you pretend or fake it, it just doesn’t work. Like you can say, oh, I want to heal, so I’m going to forgive the person, but you’re really not. So acceptance for me is the easiest thing to do. It’s easy. It is what is, it’s what’s happened. But can you talk more about forgiveness?

Valentina Onisor:

There are so many levels and actually again, as you put yourself down and you suffer and you suffer, especially as a woman, there are so many levels that you’re not aware of. So again, it has two parts, two important parts. First, it is indeed on the mental level and that’s where you can talk about acceptance, where you hold enmity or some grudge against someone else because they did something wrong to you or yourself. And then you recognize that it’s really not that important. The more you go into acceptance as you call it, because they are doing wrong so often, maybe so often it’s only ignorance and other times because it conflicts with our interest. So again, you recognize this with reason first, what you call acceptance. Eventually you are talking also about that stage when things happen by themselves again, still there are so many, many layers and it’s not going to be enough to do it.

At the mental level, yes, there are practices and yes, I use certain practices with great success I used on myself and with patients with cancer, especially with patients with ADHD, with heart disease. So it’s something which we also use with the quantum yoga groups. We just do it regularly. The thing is you have to do it regularly. There are so many levels, one fold, it’s amazing actually. It can even lead you to stages of enlightenment eventually. It’s much more than reasoning it out. But that’s a start. So understanding that it’s only hurting me holding this grudge and people can do it out of ignorance. Everyone has self-interest, including me. That can be a beginning. But then again you realize that there is a contraction of consciousness. You have to see that the energy of the heart is replenishing whenever you’re thinking of that person or of that situation.

Whenever that happens, you can call it, I would call it a karmic event. And then you have to engage. I have a favored Christian esoteric method, which I use for forgiveness for very deep levels. So again, the first part is the thinking part. Maybe people already studied Elizabeth Ross, the stages of grief. Yes. So acceptance is described there as the last part, but actually I would say is the beginning to really go deep. Now also that there are people who are not forgiving, not even on the dying bed. Imagine how is that? So understanding what’s happening about dying, that’s also something interesting when you really want to take hold and be responsible for your life. But again, the second part is more difficult and it includes self-forgiveness because for example, let’s say that you work with a bigger problem. And I will go back if you want to give you some other tips for practice.

But then again, once you work with the most evident problems, you still need to do what is called self-forgiveness. And eventually, first of all, you’re doing, but then it becomes something that you are, because we make, for example, daily promises to ourselves and we don’t keep them. And this will show up in a form of guilt. And this is something very subtle. So it’s necessary to train that brain and the body to connect with the feelings in the body to enhance the positive emotional brain circuits. So working in that way, then of course I’m recommending having a journal. And when forgiveness indeed is total, you will not suffer from any guilt and you will just forgive immediately. Forgiveness again, it’s out of description. What is forgiveness? What is not forgiveness? Not forgiveness is not forgetting. First of all, it’s not under the carpet.

It doesn’t mean that you cannot react to something. It doesn’t even mean that you have to continue a certain relationship. It’s not that. But indeed, once you work yourself through that, all kinds of miracles can happen. Even the relationship, the relationships can really change. Even if you have to still meet that person, you will see. It’s like you’re not keeping yourself changed and changed to that if it’s a karmic event and things will change, of course, now it’s difficult when you have somebody in your family and you have to meet that person every single day and still cope with that, then it can be more difficult. And you can even get extremely sick if you don’t know what’s happening there. But then again, understanding so much has to be done because of the reward and punishment circuit, you have to understand them. They are in the brain and it’s not something that goes away and then even knows where to start. But again, you have to see where you are. Too much me-centered, not attending to the vital energies.

Lorne Brown:

We have many questions for you guys, and we’re going to jump around, if that’s okay. I want to pick your brains and your hearts in the nicest way possible to get my curiosity answered and to help me on my path of awakening as well. And the people I get to see and our listeners. So one of them is, I remember hearing because I listened to your book, the Quantum Doctor reading the Quantum Integrative Medicine book by both of you, you have a process, and I think you call it doobie. Doobie Do. And I have a process that I call notice, accept, choose again. But I was like, oh, it’s a doobie. Do mine. Doobie do. Yours is doobie doobie do. So I’d like to hear yours and then I’m going to share a little bit of what I think again, and I want to see if it aligns with your quantum physics brain and the integrated healing that you’re doing. So can you give a general overview of what you mean by dobie? Dobie does.

Amit Goswami:

Yeah. Most people think of creativity as a thinking process one level, but creativity actually is the two level process. The creativity researchers have found that people who are really creative always spend only some time working, but the stop time, they’re relaxing. They’re not doing really anything that can be called creative research. So that’s what makes them suspect that there must be a two stage process. There must be preparation and what they call incubation, the images of a bird sitting on an egg doing nothing. And later psychologists, when they have thought about it, they discover it’s unconscious processing. In quantum physics, we finally understand what unconscious processing does because if I think of pollution, every bit of that thinking becomes quantum waves of possibility when we are relaxing. So the unconscious, this possibility waves the spread and spread and becomes bigger and bigger containing many more meanings than I generated in the conscious process.

And so consciousness has a much bigger pool of possibilities to choose from. Now I’m mainly talking about mental because creativity most people think is better, but made plenty clear. We have to be creative with vitality. The vital energies have to be on block, they have to be changed. So for that, we need movement. So the movement kind of thing. Tai Chi Chi gong. Chinese do it very well, India do it with Oma. But nowadays people are discovering that other kinds of movements can be used. We have a graduate student in our PhD program who is using dance movements or various kinds in order, see if that has a healing effect on vital energy and can remove vital energy blocks. So this is the kind of thing that quantum physics is making us aware of where this does our basics, we’ll teach people that look, it is very important to initiate preparation, very important to imagine, very important to do physical things, but it is equally important to do.

Movement must come, must be followed by stillness. So this should be the Indian principle, all the Qigong exercises for example, involved movement first and then it could come to rest. Movement and stillness. Movement is yang, stillness is in, that’s why charities come in and they are processed. So when you live your life that way, what only part of the time and rest of the time really relax. That doesn’t mean that you just sit and think about other things because that can make you anxious and close up your being much sport. So you really have to relax. When we really, really relax, then the unconscious invites God inside you to pray and the God within starts solving your problem. So of course that would be a very wonderful situation because I love contributing by sharing and God is doing the solution that can’t be better.

Lorne Brown:

So then we have something in common here and I want to share, and I love it because you bring physics into this. So my observation one day was you probably have heard or read some of Eckhart Tolle’s work like the Power of Now. And he talks about when you’re present and to be present and how good the presence is. And I remember thinking, this sounds great. How do I become present? Right? It was great to be present and I developed a process from reading all the, going to my workshops, my meditations and reading. One day I had my epiphany, something came through me where I realized everybody was doing one thing, they’re all doing the same thing to get into presence. And I realized for some of us the left brains we need a little doing to get into being. And then from that being right action follows that right thinking, right feeling we have.

And so what I shared or what my experience was that when I am unconscious, when I’m in separation and my beingness is coming from lack and fear, then my activity is growing out of lack and fear. My doing comes out of my beingness, which is lack of fear. And if I can find that true presence, which I believe I’m tapping into something, consciousness, higher self, and I get quiet and still then inspired thought will enter me, which I believe you call that God energy or consciousness. And then I’ll have inspired action. So two people could be doing the same thing, but because their beingness is at a different vibration, they’ll get different outcomes even though they’re doing the same thing, their beingness is different. So that was my observation. I never called it doobie doo, but when I heard your doobie doobie doo, I go, Hey, yeah, I do this to get into presence and then from the presence I wait until I feel called to do something.

And so the action still happens from that beingness and it is that quietness and it reminds me of the professor that has a math question and they can’t solve it and they work on it for hours. So they go take a shower or they walk in nature and then when they’re not thinking about the problem, they get the answer. So divine or I call it inspired thought, enters you, which I believe is that infinite potential, infinite knowledge. And then I think what I’m understanding now is consciousness works through you and then you manifest that into the physical world. You collapse it, but it’s because you have let go of the resistance. The resistance drops. You now have flow in receptivity free flow of G. And now this consciousness can work through you. That’s my understanding.

Amit Goswami:

Very good, very good understanding. So realistically what it involves, meditation people usually advise meditation like tm, the entire teaching is meditation concept and one, but that’s still doing. And this is a bit strange because it should do it for a long time. Eventually mine does become a little relaxed, but that’s a long time effect. What happens immediately? Of course people wonder, but that was the word I want to have a beard. Now that reaction is very common because they’re not really relaxing after a single session. So what I learned, and this is through practice and through quantum understanding, is that even meditation concentration and then awareness meditation, that’s a little bit better but still does not leave you. So what I do is to protect people through concentration, awareness, and witnessing. And then I say, well now that you have exhausted yourself with all that work, just sit. And then it turns out that the divine drives distance. And indeed they relax,

Lorne Brown:

Love it.

Valentina Onisor:

And what I do is again, reminding everybody that we need a level of mental hygiene and attention before we go there. And we tend to kind of escape this kind of thing because it seems too simple. But again, if we are not trained into attention since we are at the early age, then it’s going to be more difficult because we have to see that the most important problems that the brain develops as the traditional child development today happens when you just throw a tablet or a computer to the child, you’re destroying their brains. So we have first of all hyperactivity or lack of concentration and that’s why we start meditation and yoga afterwards with the practice of concentration, meditation and concentration. First of all, an outer subject, outer object. So you can use the flame of a candle for example. So first of all you do concentration on an object, which is external and then concentration on something internal, which is for example the breath or again, and then you can work on doing some qigong movement or an asana that you are holding with the proper focus.

So you are eventually falling into a state of meditation if that happens. But in the beginning we have to really work on mental hygiene in this way. So first of all, to contract this hyperactivity or lack concentration and then also knowing that there is a lot of intellectualism which is producing a contracted consciousness. And then we address this via awareness meditation later on. But people tend to skip these steps and then you say, oh, I’m ready to go into deeper meditation. And then you are sitting in meditation and you fall asleep and you think this is meditation. So this we saw over time, that would be the first thing. There’s a relation between attention and choice and if you speak about creativity as what you said there, so you have to have access to the choice. So intention choice comes after you have developed a level of attention. And we have to see that nowadays. Again, society is not really helping us in this direction. We have to help ourselves without blaming.

Lorne Brown:

That’s why you have to read your books.

You said don’t skip things, you got to do this work. And I have a personal question that you may or may not be able to answer because I skipped a step. So back in October, 2022, I wanted to work through some low level anxiety and I wanted to speed up my awakening process. I was impatient and I knew enough up here, but I wasn’t in here yet. So I went and did psychedelics and I think I met the devil on my psychedelics. I never experienced so much fear, guilt and shame and feeling not belonging. And during that psychedelic experience, I was experiencing that dark, dense, heavy energy. And at times I’ve thought I was that dark dense energy, right? And I’ve heard so much in this conscious work that it’s all love and light, but what I experienced was the full duality opposite of that love and light and it broke my nervous system for about nine months.

I had to use my tools to get my nervous system back where I feel like I’m in a great place. It was only actually two days ago I sat and meditated and I could bring up that uncomfortable energy and witness it, but it was still so uncomfortable in the body. We talked about going through these feelings of fear, shame and guilt. And when I look at that experience, it’s helped me as somebody who can facilitate and work with people in the healing profession because when they come in with their shame, when they come in with their guilt, with their fear, I can have so much compassion. I experienced what they, I get what they’re talking about from my experience, but for somebody I’m assuming who understands from the quantum level and for those that for yourselves, you probably experienced this oneness. What was that? What did I experience?

What is your take on that? I am still trying to get my head around it. I did get a message, I’m going to be vulnerable here and share with the audience. It was such a weird thing when I went in there and I did two trips of it. I wanted to understand more about this. It was such a darkness and I had this understanding from my training, Chinese medicine that extreme interns into yang and that was such dark energy. I decided to go through it again thinking that if I could sit through that darkness and just be with it, light would come out of it, right? I would come out the other side. It didn’t by the way, that was the intention. And when I came out of the trip, the last thing I remember hearing as a voice, not my voice, was a dark energy and it said that the world was created by evil, evil winds.

Amit Goswami:

So what happened with this kind of thing is that they don’t work at the vital level, they work purely at the brain level. What happens, it blocks a lot of the cortical aspects and being south, the midbrain aspects, the negative emotion and all the suppressed stuff, which is mostly negative emotion that we suppress and that’s where your focus was. So it is much better to, if you have to go that route, we don’t promote the drug route because it cannot be really controlled and it’s a bit dangerous. But anyway, better drugs. Drugs, yes, I will say yes to that, but better drugs like which they use in Brazil. These things are plant-based drugs. What happened with the plants is that they have vital energy in addition, the vital energy also works on the body. It’s not just the brain, the brain involving just the brain will put up only the stuff the brain has, which is mental in the cortex and the negative emotion mostly in the midbrain.

But this LSD, the drug, blocks out the cortex and therefore most things that you experience is your midbrain and you never experience the darkness that we carry in the midbrain. It’s a horrible experience, right? Yes. It was terrifying and traumatizing. So we should not really look at these chemicals instead, natural like mushrooms or beauty and always with spiritual guidance because what the spiritual teachers do is that they give you music, spiritual music, and that music helps you orient a bit towards positivity. But remember the positives are in the body, they’re not in the brain. The brain has five times more negative, positive, negative just over once. But if you also have the body available, which the plants will do because they’re feeding vital energy to that, then you can compensate somewhat with positivity and that’s where the additional music, addition of a presence of a teacher, these things really can help.

Valentina Onisor:

So I would say that yeah, if you ever have to do this, then you have to know how you do it obviously and only if you have to. Otherwise we have all these things that we have to develop love. It can be the biggest drug. For me it is love. That’s the drug I would choose every day, but agreed, if you happen to, I mean we dunno how life goes, but if it’s something really that you just cannot manage and you find yourself and you are having the chance to meet such a really developed person who can help you and be next to you and to this kind of healing, and you have to know what to choose because you are becoming very passive. You have to be attentive to that. So especially if you do it with other people. So you can pick up so many things in this passive way. And then the thing is that it did, you’re so lucky that you came out in nine months. There are people for many years, if they come out from a very bad experience in that way, which maybe you can even experience something from the unconscious collective, which you can pick up in that form.

Lorne Brown:

It’s interesting that you say that Valentina because the next day, the drugs were already out of my system, but my brain’s been activated, my body went into convulsions and shook for four to six hours and I had my practice. So I was going in and out of witnessing it and not witnessing it, being at the effect of it and then observing it. And I would ask questions, I’m like, I remember saying to myself or my witnessing, I said, I think I traumatized myself with the drugs. And I heard in my head, no, you already had this trauma inside you. The drugs have just activated it. I

Valentina Onisor:

Was like, yeah, I don’t know.

Lorne Brown:

I’ll just share this part. Then I asked because you talked to the collective. Then I asked the question, is this my trauma or is this my childhood trauma? And I heard it’s your childhood trauma, it’s your trauma and it’s collective trauma. And then for four hours I just sweated, screamed and shook and I had people working with me at the retreat and that was my experience. And then like you said, you’re lucky you came out of it. If I didn’t have the resources and the tools and the people that I know through my podcasts, I had people work with me and work on me and I had my tools, my herbs and my acupuncture, my low level laser. I mean I was a full-time project for that to get my nervous system back. And it’s brought me to this place where I’m on my path. Like I said, I skipped steps, but I don’t recommend skipping steps because it took me to a place to what some people would call the dark night of the soul, which I probably wouldn’t have met for many more years, but I wasn’t prepared for it. But now I have practices to sit in it and

Valentina Onisor:

Observe it. Let me get something to that because again, what you said was super important for everybody to not play around with these things because again, maybe you made some steps on your evolution, then you can step back so much and eventually maybe you’ll not even get a vaccine to be calibrated. So pay attention to that. But also what you said reminded me of, for example, women, we are much more receptive. For example, women we have periods, then we can really tap into so much of this collective unconscious wounds. It’s so impressive what a woman can really take and can experience. And for me, when I was working through my own processes of forgiveness, a lot of these kinds of things came of course. Maybe you’ll learn about other kinds of therapies like constellation therapy and indeed you can, but this is never ending. So you have to eventually get it to the supplemental level and develop your own vital creativity process because otherwise you can go into so much healing which will never end. You can do so much tapping and so many things and be lost in that. So you still have to get into vital creativity and again, develop these quantum leaps at various levels and find what is the meaning of your life, what is the purpose of your life? It’s not all the healing. Yes, it can help generations of people. Yes, and I got some messages that my work really came with that, but still we have to do our own process because life is really a precious gift and it’s not so long

Lorne Brown:

And it’s not so long in the grand screaming things. It’s not very long. I have a couple more questions, but I want to remind people that you guys do offer training and programs. And so can you tell us the name of your program, a little bit about it and the website, it’s your name is, is that where we go to? It’s Amit That’s where they can find information on it. Is that the place to go?

Valentina Onisor:


Lorne Brown:

I’m seeing it on And we’ll put that in the show notes as well everybody. So what is your program about and what do you call it? 

Valentina Onisor:

It’s called, it’s Quantum Activism Wish is what we developed in India. But the problem is not only in India, just it requires that people come to India for an intensive proximity because we believe in proximity training. It’s not just online. We want to meet the people. That’s the place where we can really create that first correlation that you can later on apply and tap into non-locality. But first of all, you have to correlate and what happens in the proximity, it’s amazing every time. And we have a few programs. So we have a master program, we have a PhD program all in quantum science and also we have a few programs which include a number of video series which are pre recorded with Amit. And then we have live webinars every Saturday, every Sunday they have this proximity programs where they have to come to India and the cost is again much less than in others universities. And it’s all based on quantum science. And we have indeed now we had five batches of masters who graduated already and the first batches of PhDs now they will graduate, is still a young program, but it is really every single person has go through levels of transformation and healing and not so easy many times. Right.

Lorne Brown:

Congratulations on that program. Thank you. An observation for me and I’m curious what you guys know and I asked you because of your background and your prolific writer. So this is why I asked you because when you write, you research, you contemplate, you think. It seems like when we look at the world and we hear other conscious teachers say that awakening happens often through great suffering and it looks like there’s a collective awakening happening. Covid was a good example of it. We see where nobody’s immune to the wars now wherever the war is, we’re all affected. Social media makes us all identify and become polarized. Looking at the elections around the world, do you see this as a collective awakening happening and we’re all being called to do our work, our inner work. Do you see this as well that there’s something, there’s an evolution happening in humanity on a conscious level?

Amit Goswami:

There are, I don’t know if you read a psychologist, David Hawkings, but David Hawking has done some very interesting experiments and he claims that there are 15%, 85% polarization in the work. 15% are aware that we have human potential and we have to recover this human potential, discover them and embody them. Whereas the 85% really are confused. Some of them are materialists, they don’t believe in anything like God or spirituality or archetypes at all. And the others are ISTs, but they’re very confused because religious systems are of course very hypocritical. And so nobody in other words, practices anything. So here is the thing, this 15% are aware that you have to practice. It is all in the doobie doobie doo just being does not do anything. Just having the idea that yeah, there is God and grace does not help you to find God and grace to find them.

You have to really pick there. You have to share. So this is the thing, and this is what we try to teach in our main aspect of our education, master’s and PhD of certification or today, we always are telling people that look either doing, that’s what the materialists do is not enough, but being is what alternative education sometimes do. Like the book secret, you have read it or the movie secret, you just be relaxed and ask and that will do no, it doesn’t do what does is a concerted process of conservation that you have to go through. So our education is transformative and this message people are getting, but only the 15%, remember 15% of 8 billion people is 1 billion board. So 1 billion people is a lot of people. So it seems like an awakening in math, but that is still part of it. 85% how to awaken those is a tough, tough challenge. I hope as we get more and more of the 15% involved in loving some of them will get to the 85% and slowly will start to fall in the thinking. Look at the mainstream media, it’s all full of that confused thinking.

Lorne Brown:

Agreed. And I wanted to have some clarity. So you’re talking about 15% of the world, there’s this awakening that’s happening, there’s awareness and being is not enough. You can’t just sit on your mountaintop. There’s a right action that must follow right being. Can you talk a little bit more about what you mean by that though? I still believe the action has to be inspired. Action. And so what are your thoughts on this? If you could just elaborate a bit more. We need to, because it seems like we’re beyond space and time, but in the material world, to me it seems like the world’s upside down. When I see what’s going on in the world, it becomes apparent to me that this is so not logical and rational that what I’m seeing has to be an existential thing happening. And I don’t understand it beyond the thinking brain, but something is happening that seems very to me in the quantum, not in the material world, we’re seen in the material world, but there’s more reasoning behind it that I can’t comprehend with my P brain that’s happening. And I was just curious what your thoughts are and what our roles are for those that are looking to create more

Amit Goswami:

Quantum quantum physics makes a panic clear look that the unconscious is divided into personal unconscious, collective unconscious and then quantum unconscious. That’s what the new possibilities are. So we have to become open to quantum possibilities. This is why Valentino talks so much about mental hygiene and forgiveness because that meets the access to choice, which comes from quantum consciousness, the quantum part of the unconscious. So yes, possibilities of course, yes, unconscious of course that has to be combined with consciousness, but there is also a trick in the unconscious because the unconscious is full of negative stuff too. And then you have to get to the positive part of the unconscious, the new. And this is why we have to do all this blending work so that we are available to choose from that one consciousness that gives us solutions to problems.

Lorne Brown:

Valentina, do you want to add to this that we want peace on earth, we want to heal the planet. So many people say to heal the planet, we need to heal ourselves first. And can you share if there is this collective awakening, which seems to be very uncomfortable when we look at social media, the news and the world? Can you give some hope so when people fall asleep tonight, they’ll feel good about what’s going on? Or do some of the doobie doobie do stuff that they could do?

Valentina Onisor:

Yeah, I think again, it is, as I see it is a time of trial obviously. And what I also see, you should know already for sure that a lot of truth comes out about all kinds of things. Negative things, very strange things, but also some positive things, all kinds of discoveries which can help. So I think it’s the time that we put in practice that choice that we have. And of course it has to start with us. So first of all, obviously don’t get so lost in only watching the media and computers connect with nature for God’s sake. So nature has everything that we need. It can help us get into that state of expansion of consciousness which is healing. So put in practice this kind of, I mean don’t stay just locked in your houses as you stayed in covid times. And which creates a lot of separation also in ourselves, separation between all kinds of levels of our being.

So being in nature, being with at least a group of people, some friends, 1, 2, 3 friends, if you don’t have one or two other people that you really love in your life or even get animals or something. So we should make some intelligent choices for us no matter where we are. And then for me as I see it, we have to really develop the supplemental level far being. So think of supplemental as, maybe you want to talk about this in another topic, it is a big thing. But in that state of when you’re open to those archetypes to what we call meaning and purpose, and we are having the hearts awakening together with the minds united in the superior understanding. And also that is the state where we will not be so much influenced and put down from everything that happens in the world. So whatever happens in the world, again, you’re cooking on your richness because there’s a lot of richness.

But if you’re not attentive to that and you again are choosing what you want, you are choosing that richness, which is there anyway. Or you’re choosing the darker side of things. And then in that way, yes, you can have the word, but of course I see it that there will be some trials and we shall see. But again, connecting with nature, connecting with yourself will bring back some of the wisdom and let’s see what humanity has in store for us. But also there is, everybody has a guardian angel, for example, you go to sleep and you make a prayer to a guardian angel, which is actually an archetype, which helps us in the direction of fulfilling our dharma. When you make a step towards fulfilling your dharma and whatever you’re here for, which is not just one thing, it’s developing certain qualities and embodying them on earth, then the universe is really making thousands of steps towards you and kind of really trusting. So when you are doing the right thing, and then also trusting and expanding step by step. And then let’s see what this can build, because again, there are physical relations, but there are also non-physical relations. And eventually another subject which may be interesting is the extraterrestrial connection.

Lorne Brown:

What was that? The last part?

Valentina Onisor:

Extraterrestrial connection. Okay. Another subject that you really work on,

Lorne Brown:


Valentina Onisor:

Another time Valenti about this one.

Lorne Brown:

Another time

Valentina Onisor:

Teasing him.

Lorne Brown:

So I want to remind our listeners, Amit Goswami and Valentina Onisor have several books and several written together. And the latest that I have in my hand is Quantum Integrative Medicine, A New Paradigm for Health Disease Prevention and Healing. So check out that, check out their website. So It’s in the show notes. And again, I want to thank Dr. Me Kasami, Dr. Valentina Onisor, for spending so much time with me today.


If you’re looking for support to grow your family, contact Acubalance Wellness Center at Acubalance. They help you reach your peak fertility potential through their integrative approach using low level laser therapy, fertility, acupuncture, and naturopathic medicine. Download the Acubalance Fertility Diet and Dr. Brown’s video for mastering manifestation and clearing subconscious blocks. Go to Acubalance ca, that’s Acubalance ca.

Lorne Brown:

Thank you so much for tuning into another episode of Conscious Fertility, the show that helps you receive life on purpose. Please take a moment to subscribe to the show and join the community of women and men on their path to peak fertility and choosing to live consciously on purpose. I would love to continue this conversation with you, so please direct message me on Instagram at Lorne Brown official. That’s Instagram, Lorne Brown official, or you can visit my websites Lorne and Until the next episode, stay curious and for a few moments, bring your awareness to your heart center and breathe.


Valentina Onisor’s Bio

Valentina Onisor, MD, is a family medicine specialist who blends alternative medicine with traditional practice. With over two decades of experience, she’s a leader in quantum integrative medicine, merging ancient wisdom with modern quantum physics. Valentina teaches yoga and meditation and offers courses worldwide on healing and spiritual growth. She co-authored books with Dr. Amit Goswami, including “Quantum Spirituality” and “The Quantum Brain,” and continues to explore topics like intelligence, love, and relationships from a quantum perspective.


Amit Goswami’s Bio

Amit Goswami, PhD, is a retired physics professor known for his pioneering work in quantum physics. He developed a science of experience explaining consciousness’s role and integrated conventional and alternative medicine into quantum health science. Goswami initiated the quantum activism movement and established Quantum Activism Vishwalayam for transformative education. He is the author of influential books such as “The Self-Aware Universe” and has been featured in films like “What the Bleep Do We Know!?” He identifies as a quantum activist pursuing spiritual wholeness.


Where To Find Valentina and Amit:


Lorne Brown
Valentina Onisor
Amit Goswami

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