Season 1, Episode 70

Science Behind Healing Intentions with Lynne McTaggart

In this episode, host Lorne Brown interviews Lynne McTaggart, an expert on new science and consciousness. They discuss the desires, including fertility. McTaggart highlights the importance of community and altruism, and the positive effects of group intention. The episode concludes with insights on interconnectedness and healing the past through the transformative power of intention. McTaggart explains that specific and clear intentions have a higher chance of success. She reveals that our thoughts continuously influence the world around us. By helping others, we experience personal growth and healing, showing the synergy between altruism and intention. Embracing interconnectedness can lead to profound life changes.


Key Takeaways:

  • Group intention amplifies the power of manifesting desires, including fertility.
  • Altruism and helping others are vital to intention and personal transformation.
  • Understanding our interconnectedness can lead to significant life changes.
  • Clear and specific intentions increase the likelihood of successful manifestation.
  • A diverse group with various goals (not just fertility) is more effective, as it avoids triggering feelings of jealousy and guilt among members.
  • The act of having a baby can be seen as altruistic, as it involves selflessly giving to and caring for a new life.
  • Acupuncture and holistic practices, like detox and mind-body balance, can significantly improve fertility by creating a healthy environment for conception

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Lorne Brown:

Welcome to the Conscious Fertility Podcast, and I have back with me, Lynne McTaggart. Lynne and I did an episode for the Conscious Talk series pre COVID. That’s how, it’s funny how we now date things, right? So, that was a big event pre COVID, in which we did a replay of episode 58 on the Conscious Fertility podcast.

And we have Lynne back and I kind of want to do a little official introduction. And then, um, I’m, I’m just really excited. To be chatting with you again, Lynne. Um, so, many people don’t know, well, if you don’t know about Lynne, Lynne is like, what I consider a central authority on the new science and consciousness.

She is the award-winning author of several books, and seven in particular, including the international best selling The Intention Experiment, The Field, The Bond, and The Power of Eight are some of my favorites. And her books are now, I think, in over 30 languages. She’s well known for being the architect of the Intention Experiments, which is a web based global laboratory.

And, I didn’t know this until recently, that she was prominently featured, uh, in the plotline of Dan Brown’s blockbuster, The Lost Symbol. And they even created a character based on you. Um, that ran intention experiments. So I thought it was quite fascinating. Um, she is a sought after public speaker. So I’m so grateful that Lynne was able to make time to chat with us today.

Um, she’s spoken on almost every continent. She’s appeared in many documentaries, including what the bleep Down the Rabbit hole, I am the living matrix, the abundance factor, the healing field, the one field, and the latest and the newest is the new Galeos. As co-owner and editorial director of What Doctors Don’t Tell You, she publishes one of the world’s most respected U.S. health magazines now in 14 languages.

What Doctors Don’t Tell You has been three times awarded best and most popular website of the year for health and well being and ethical business of the year. And I actually want to let people know right away that her website is We’re going to put that in the show notes because she has events.

She has podcasts. She has a wealth of information. And in the state, the state of the world, um, we need more of Lynne’s material getting out there. So please check out Lynne, welcome back. It’s so nice to see you again. 

Lynne McTaggart:

Thank you so much for that introduction. It’s great to be here with you.

Lorne Brown:

So, one of the things that I really resonate with, um, that I’ve seen in some of your writings is to heal each other is to heal the world. And in the podcast, one of the reasons I started it and we call it the Conscious Fertility Podcast is the external world is a reflection of your inner world. And I often say that when we heal, the planet heals.


And when the planet heals, we heal. And I really wanted to learn more about it. through the lens of science, what this really means. And when people come into my practice for conscious work, they’re looking to manifest stuff. Like they want to have better health. They may want better finances or a new career.


They’re looking for love, relationships, or maybe they have a relationship with looking for that person to change.  And then obviously they’re looking to have babies, some of the people we see. And I was wondering, like, you have an approach with manifestation, Um, that you can start to share and really how that impacts or how you look at that from an intention perspective, because I think it ties into your intention experiments and the power of eight.


So can you share a little bit about how you address when people come in looking for these things to manifest and do you have an approach to this? 


Lynne McTaggart:

Absolutely. And my basic approach is group intention. Because I’ve seen in some of the books I’ve written how important community is for us. You know, we are not isolated individuals.

We all talk about, hey, we’re all one. But we don’t really understand that and the full extent to which we are connected. We talk about that, but we don’t really live it. But human beings, the science is very clear on this, need connection more than they need to breathe.  And small communities I’ve found are extraordinarily healing for everyone involved.

That was one of the big aha moments I had when trying to test this with the intention experiment, because at my heart, I actually. A hard nosed investigative reporter. That’s how I started out life. I was going to put bad guys in jail. And to some extent, I did work on that. I had hidden tape recorders.

We had them at the time when I first started my career. And I was chasing after lawyers who were doing baby selling and, you know, rounded up a whole bunch of them and put them in my book, The Baby Brokers, my first book. So I was going to do that. But I got involved with health. And I started seeing very good studies of things like spiritual healing, and I kept wondering, well, what does this mean?

If you can have a thought and send it to someone else and make them better, that undermines everything we think about how the world works. And so that began the intention experiments. So I knew a lot of scientists after publishing my book, The Field, which was in 30 languages. And I also. You know, I’d worked with and studied and, and interviewed a lot of frontier scientists working in consciousness research.

And I also had a lot of readers around the world. So, I thought if I just put them together. I can test how far we can take this, you know, whether or not we can cure cancer with our thoughts, for instance. But one of the extraordinary things that happened with the intention experiments, and later, the power of AIDS, a year later, I started shrinking this down, putting people in small groups, is the senders were getting affected as much as the targets.

And that was the thing that absolutely amazed me with the intention experiments I found when people were sending altruistic intentions to heal something in the world. And this was particularly the case when we were, and we are doing lots of intentions to lower violence. When we saw what was going on and I surveyed them afterward, you know, we were achieving results with the targets.

Every intention experiment we’ve done, and we’ve done 41 of them to date, bar four, have had positive, measurable, mostly significant effects, as measured by scientists at prestigious universities like Princeton, Penn State, University of Arizona, University of California, and so forth. So that was interesting, but to me, not as interesting.

As what was happening with the participants, they were writing back on surveys. When I surveyed them afterward that they were getting along better with everyone around them. That’s what about 40 percent say they were forgiving things about themselves. About half of them, 50%, every single time say they’re more in love with everyone around them.

They were also healing themselves. About a third reported improvements or downright healing of conditions. Everything from arthritis to cancer. So that to me was extraordinary and the same thing I could see with our Power of Eight groups when I started shrinking this down in 2008 and seeing what would happen if I put people into a small group and have them send intention to someone in the group with a health challenge or an anything challenge, all of the areas you talked about, relationships, finances, career, life purpose, And I found that yes, we’ve had, I’ve seen thousands of healings of every variety in people’s lives now since 2008 and all the Power of Eight groups I’ve seen.

But I’ve also seen extraordinary things happening with the senders. It almost didn’t matter whether they were senders or receivers, they were still receiving. And it’s all about that. The key piece of my work is altruism, which isn’t just. a nice thing to do. It’s an essential thing to do. People who do things for other people live longer, healthier, happier lives.

So it actually reflects back on the sender and that’s what we were seeing. 


Lorne Brown:

I kind of want to highlight this, uh, the idea of altruism, because when people come to do manifest, when people want to manifest stuff, often it’s for self, right? And I’ve heard this as well from others, um, guests that when you’re looking to manifest, if your manifestation benefits more than yourself, it tends to happen faster or happen, versus if it’s just selfish for yourself.

Has that been what you have been observing then as well? That there’s this, there’s something in the fabric of our universe, uh, about givers gain. 

Lynne McTaggart:

Yeah. Well, The great thing about a Power of Eight group, and let’s say there are eight in the group. They don’t have to be eight. It could be seven. It could be nine.

It could be twelve. But let’s say there are eight. Seven eighths of the time, you’re doing it for someone else. So you’re intending most of the time for other people. Most of the time, it’s altruistic. And then the eighth time, it’s your turn. And so it’s the giving and receiving. That is extraordinary about it, and it is, by its very nature, altruistic.

You see, when you look at the evidence on altruism, it’s so clear. There’s so much evidence showing that if you are ill and you help somebody else with the same illness, you’re more likely to heal. If you, even if you help your neighbor with her throwing out her garbage, or you volunteer for something, you are going to benefit, and it benefits in so many ways.

You are healthier, happier, and live longer. A perfect example of that is one study that really convinced me. It was of two sets of people. They wanted to see how lifestyle affects immune systems. So, the first group were a group that were quite affluent and had pretty much everything. They lived lives of pleasure, they said.

They went on all kinds of holidays and vacations. They had loads of money in the bank. They had all of the wonderful environmental stuff, everything they wanted. When they looked at their immune systems, they found they were terrible. These people were perfect candidates for heart attack.  cancer, Alzheimer’s, stroke, all of the degenerative diseases, they were going to drop like flies. 

The other group were a group who didn’t have as much materially, but were living a life of service. These people had such robust immune systems that they were going to live forever. And that to me pretty much said it all. This is one of the real dangers, I think, of the so-called self help movement. It’s all about focusing on the self, whereas I think the quickest route to healing is focusing on the other.

And many times when people in my courses are stuck, I will say to them, get off of yourself, start intending for someone else and see what happens. And in that instance, as in many others, this woman who was desperate to get a new job, who was going through a divorce. And two young kids to support as soon as she gets off of herself because she couldn’t get a job anywhere.

Somebody out of nowhere calls her and offers her her dream job. And I see that repeatedly all the time. In a sense, the universe is going to reward people who with a pure heart get off of themselves.


Lorne Brown:

You know, I got to share a short but funny story that you just triggered in my mind about getting off yourself.

So this must have been over 15 years ago. I was frustrated and struggling with something with my work and a colleague had come in to visit to see the clinic and she was in from Texas. And she just got heard enough by my whining after two days of my b*tching. And she said, Lorne, Get the F off. She, she was more explicit, get the F off yourself.

And she literally said, there’s a whole foods store, a couple blocks from my clinic. She goes, and there’s always usually somebody sitting outside, um, um, asking for food. And she said, go down to Whole Foods and go buy somebody a meal, which I did. And it just felt so good to do something for somebody else. And that did shift my energy.

So. You just reminded me of something from 15 years ago, so I just want to let you know, that’s a power of there’s, there’s a power of two now on that one because I had that experiment. What do you think is happening then? Because, you know, we hear, it looks like we’re separate, right? But I’ve heard many times and in reading your materials and listening to you as well.

That we’re not, we’re not separate. There’s actually a connection. So this idea of altruism, do you think this ties into this new science that we’re connected to and for some of the listeners that are new to this, a lot of our listeners are like, they get this, but there are a few people there. They’re going to say, what are you talking about?

Can you speak to both of those, please? And just share a little bit more about this interconnectedness and why maybe doing things for others as well coming from your heart has this benefit.


Lynne McTaggart:

Sure. Well, we do perceive the world as a load of separate things. With us  one of those separate items. Isaac Newton described a world of very well behaved separate things operating according to Fick’s laws in time and space.

That’s been the scientific story we’ve had to date, but new science is coming forward that has shown  Decisively that we are not solid and stable and separate things, but vibrating packets of energy, trading energy with other vibrating packets back and forth. And that activity creates a giant quantum field of which we are a part.

So we aren’t actually separate, just like we’re not solid and stable, even though we seem that way, but we don’t experience the world that way. We experienced the world in separation as lonely people on a lonely planet, in a lonely universe. And the issue really is a lot of people say to me, how do I enter the field?

because that’s what I’m called, that quantum field in my book, the field. So how do I enter the field? I say, you don’t have to. You are already there. The problem is you don’t experience life that way, but you do in one circumstance.  With Power eight groups, as I say, there are small groups of eight or so who meet together and make intentions for each other.

Either they meet in person, and I have many groups that do, or virtually. And I have many more groups that just meet virtually on Zoom as we are right now. And what happens, and we’ve done brainwave studies on this, working with a team of neuroscientists at Life University, and what we discovered, to our astonishment, when we used seven groups of student volunteers, we put an EEG cap on one member of each group, it was always a sender, and we found within a very short period of time, because we only do intentions for ten minutes, that’s it, within a minute, the parts of the brain that make us feel separate, so those are the parietal lobes that sit back here, and also the frontal, right frontal lobe that is involved with worry and doubt and negativity.

The parietal lobes help us navigate through space. They tell us this is me, this is not me. This right frontal lobe is involved in worry, doubt, and negativity. Those and other parts of the brain were dialed down. Thank you.  The activity was lower, so we assumed we were going to see brainwave signatures that looked almost identical to those of meditation.

We did nothing of the sort. These look nothing like those of meditation. These looked almost identical to work done by the University of Pennsylvania on Buddhist monks during ecstatic prayer and Sufi masters during chanting. These are brainwave signatures of somebody in a state of ecstatic oneness. So what I’m saying is when we come together in small groups, the power of eight groups, we enter a state of ecstatic oneness.

And it is a fast track essentially to the miraculous because I believe in that state of oneness,  when we actually experience it. What it is to be not separate, that’s when miracles happen and the sending and receiving actually has extraordinary effect. 


Lorne Brown:

So we’re tapping into what some people call it big C or super consciousness.

We’re tapping. How do you actually, I’m going to frame it this way. So You’ll be comfortable answering this. I had Dean Radin on here as a guest and I asked him a lot of questions. And he said, eventually, if you keep asking why we will come, I don’t know. Right. So, but so I’ll start with you. Um, because I realized we’re going to keep asking questions.

Eventually. It’s just like, we observe it. We know it, but we don’t know why, but what are you subscribing to? Like you call it the field or the quantum field, uh, consciousness. Um, some people call it God energy. So there’s something beyond our senses that we’re tapping into? And what do you call it, the field or consciousness?

Are they the same to you from what you’ve learned?


Lynne McTaggart:

Well, I call them the field because scientists have proven there is a field. And scientists, since the advent of quantum physics, so that’s, uh, about 100 years, scientists recognized That subatomic particles aren’t particles at all, they’re these vibrating packets of energy and they trade energy back and forth like an endless game of tennis and that creates a virtual particle in the blink of an eye, less than a blink of an eye, and all of those tennis games producing all these virtual particles gives rise to this enormous field.

That is like, it’s in the background like a supercharged backdrop, and we are all part of that at our nethermost level. So I use the term field because I’m not projecting, I’m not theorizing. There actually is this, and it’s recognized. And a number of scientists have basically said, The field gives us a mechanism for understanding and rationalizing a lot of the extraordinary extra human and extraordinary capacities that we have.

like intention, like being able to affect things with our mind, like ESP, like precognition, like remote viewing. All of those things make sense when you put together the field, because this quantum field Has two extraordinary properties. Number one, a subatomic particle is not really a particle. It’s a wave.

It’s a vibrating packet of energy.  It has near infinite capacity to store information. So when it bumps into another subatomic wave. It takes on its information. So, to understand this, think of the Library of Congress, which has every English book ever written, every book in English ever written.

If you took the Library of Congress and you put it on a subatomic wave, you could fit the whole,  the Library of Congress, onto a sugar cube sized wave. That’s how much information it can hold. Secondly, waves go on to essentially infinity. So you have a mechanism for how we could be all connected. So I like the field, but is the field pure consciousness?

That’s a good question. I mean, when you get right down there, maybe there is only consciousness. But the point is, we are all part of this, we’re not divisible from it, and the more we do tap into it, the more it makes sense of a lot of the so-called miracles that we experience in our lives.


Lorne Brown:

I’ve heard it often saying that everything’s either manifested or unmanifested, and you tap in, we’ll call it the field to manifest, and that when you lose your connection to this, this is when you start to feel alone and suffer, because it’s an illusion that you’re separate, but you’ve lost that, you feel like you lost that connection, and what you’re talking about is a way to connect back into that field where I would, call it that you feel flow and receptivity, which feels good and you’re, and you have more ways to, to manifest. Is that a fair summary?


Lynne McTaggart:

I think, you know, I, I think that, um, the manifest unmanifest idea of the David Bohm idea of the implicate order and explicate order are really interesting ideas. Um, I think what I see and what I focus on are really what happens in a group, you know, that we were always meant to do these intentions, do these manifesting, do this prayer in a group, I think, because I see the extraordinary things happening, not simply with an individual mindset, but with a collective mindset. 


Lorne Brown:

So I kind of want to track a bit with this because you’re, we’ve used the word intention a lot and when I see, um, individuals in my practice and they’re looking to manifest and heal, often we talk about, you know, kind of what they’re wanting to intend and  some of them don’t know what they want, which I find great news because maybe that’s why they don’t have a manifest of what they want because they don’t have that clarity. 

When I think of you, Lynne, I think of you as one of the experts on intention and I’m imagining there is a way to intend and a way not to intend. Can you talk a little bit more about what you mean when you say intention and if you can share any of the tips and also resources because I, when I was looking through your website, I think you have, you have courses on this.

So today we’re not going to do the course, but I would love for you to share a little bit so we can understand what you mean by intention and what are some of the pitfalls and right ways to intend.  


Lynne McTaggart:

Okay. Intention. A lot of people think intention is the power of thought I have. So I get into a meditative state, put out that power of thought, and that’s the only thing the universe hears.

But there’s so much evidence now that we are beaming out 24/7. Our cells, essentially. Send out information all the time through light, through electromagnetic energy and through other kinds of vibrations. We are essentially broadcasting 24/7 and our thoughts are just another kind of this energy. So, when you think about it, we’ve got 70 to 80,000 thoughts a day.

I find with all of my students that pretty much 80 percent of those thoughts are negative about ourselves or others. I hate my hair today. My bum looks big in this. I hate her hair. Her bum looks big in this. And so forth and so on. Negative, negative, negative. And the world is terrible. The world’s going to hell in a handbasket.

You know, all of those kinds of ideas permeate us all the time. That gets sent out and that collectively becomes our life’s intention. That’s also an intention. So the first tip is really to get clear. And what you want, but also to broadcast positively. That’s the first thing because you are broadcasting all the time.

That’s your intention. So by intention, I mean a focus on something that you want. So as you said, one of the difficulties is getting clear on what that is. And one of the things that I teach in my courses is the need to be specific. That’s probably the biggest mistake people make. They will create an intention that is something like, I want love in the world.

I want peace. I want a million dollars or to win the lottery. They do some sort of generalization or they throw everything they want in their life, all in one big statement. So I help people to break it down and to be really specific. Why do I do that? Because we’ve seen in these intention experiments we’ve done, remember, we’ve done 41 of them, everything from trying to make seeds grow faster, to purifying water, to lowering violence in war torn or violent areas, to healing someone in post traumatic stress disorder.

And 37 of them have shown measurable, positive, significant effects. So what we found is when we weren’t clear, when we weren’t focused, when we did just send love to order, nothing happened. We didn’t get an outcome. When we focused on shifting it by one pH, We got an outcome,  and I’ve seen it with individuals too, outside of the experiments with power make groups.

When people are very specific about what they want, they’re more likely to get it. So being specific is one big thing, and there are loads of tools to overcome negativity and doubt. That doesn’t require trying to build a barricade, a psychic barricade around yourself. Don’t need to do that. And I teach people how to visualize in a really different way.

I teach people how to do mental rehearsal just like elite athletes do. And I also teach them how to do this. In a group, which supersizes the effect, all the rudimentaries of running a Power of Eight group. And there are a number of things to do to do it correctly. And I show people that you don’t need to elaborate on this process.

You don’t need hours of priming. A lot of people think you’ve got to meditate for an hour before you do this to get into the zone. I give people a few minutes. Of preparatory things to do as a group and the whole process holding the intention together is only 10 minutes of only ever done intention experiments and power of eight groups for 10 minutes.

The reason was very simple with intention experiments. When I was first working with the scientists, the first one was Dr Gary Schwartz, the noted psychologist. We had a group of about 700. In our audience, we were doing for the very first one and we said, you know, we’re, we’re doing this, putting a finger up in the air to try to figure out, well, how to do this.

It’d never been done before. So I said, well, how long should we hold this? And he said, well, how long do you think people who have never meditated before can hold a thought? And I thought, well, if we have people in the audience who have never meditated, I guess only 10 minutes. So we did it. And the first experiment, which was trying to change light emissions of a leaf, a very sensitive process, worked amazingly so.

So we thought for 10 minutes. So we’ll do it again. We replicated it with all the experiments. So when I came to do a power of eight groups, I thought for 10 minutes and that’s all we’ve done. And it, things like this happen. I just did a talk last weekend. In Ibiza, in Spain, and the group there was about 200, I put them into eight groups, and there was a woman who was barely able to even move on crutches.

She’d broken her leg, and she had had all kinds of other problems with her leg, and she had seven pins in her ankle. It was a mess, and the doctors weren’t sure she could walk again. We didn’t, did the intention, and she literally threw away her crutches and walked across the floor completely normally and unaided. I’ve seen that and somebody else had terrible arthritis.

He got up and started dancing. I’ve seen this thousands of times with everything from trying to heal stage 4 cancer. We’ve had numerous ones that have reversed. Doing intention, I’ve seen people overcome chronic near suicidal depression. I’ve seen a woman who was going blind from terrible retina damage.

Doctors could do nothing. She went to see loads of them. They said, you’ve got to prepare yourself to go blind. She has 20/20 vision now. And what she did was a power bait group. One big intention, boom, completely changed it. Went back to the doctors and they said, You don’t have any retinal damage anymore.

I’ve seen genetic issues, genetic illnesses, like one woman, Lisa, who, uh, was missing a crucial enzyme in her liver and it had caused terrible liver fibrosis and a swollen spleen. She was a candidate for an eventual liver transplant. And one intention, one 10 minute intention, she felt enormous amounts of energy Went home.

Felt that all night.  And she thought something shifted, and when she went to see a doctor some months later, they said two different doctors, specialists said, there’s no liver damage. Your liver is normal. Your spleen is normal. One 10 minute intention. So I think belief is also part of it too, but it’s the group process.

That’s the key piece here, because we talked about intention being a powerful thing. Thoughts are things that affect other things. We’ve talked about altruism. There are group effects. When we get together in a group, there’s kind of a collective effervescence,  as one psychologist put it. And there’s also this oneness factor, which I think is the big secret sauce.

And then there’s a little bit of fairy dust here. We don’t really know everything about it, but miracles occur and I see it and I measure it. And I test it and I witness it again and again and again.


Lorne Brown:

Do you find, because as you were sharing about, um, these healings that people experience and people listening and go, okay, I want to do this.

And they become attached. Like I got, I’m coming for the healing. I have found in this work that when you become over attached. It actually puts resistance into the, we’ll call it the field. Is there a risk of that as well? Because there is this idea I want, and then there is this, I need desperation. I must have.

And I’m wondering if you do anything with your groups about having that balance where you have a desire for something, you’re sending the intention to it, and yet you’re. open to the uncertainty unknown of how this will manifest or whether it will manifest. And I’ll even add that some of the retreats I have gone to are when the people, um, they shared that when they get to a place where they no longer need the healing, like they just are okay with their illness, then the illness went away.

And so I always think of resistance and I come from the Chinese medicine perspective that when there’s resistance, we call qi stagnation, we don’t have free flow and then disease manifests. And when we have free flow, we’re healthy. And so I’m always thinking about how do we lower the resistance that we’re putting out?

And I, I often think that when we’re over attached, that could be creating resistance. Do you have any comments on that? 


Lynne McTaggart:

Sure. I mean, one of the things I teach. People are number one. Don’t keep trying. Put it out there a few times with your group and then let it go and then see what happens and maybe come back to it later, but focus on other people.

So our process kind of forces people not to be too attached. 

Lorne Brown:

Yeah, that’s right. Cause if you, if you get off yourself, so you get to focus on what you want. And then, as you said, if you’re in a group of eight, then for the next seven people, You’re off yourself because you’re no longer thinking about what you want.

You’re working on, on them. I like your process. It actually, um, corrects that issue of over attaching. 


Lynne McTaggart:

Yeah. And the other thing that happens too, is you get very close to this group. You know, you’ve got a bunch of strangers who have got your back. How often do we do that in life these days, we’re also isolated, we became even more isolated after COVID and during and after COVID.

So when you experience this, you know, I had a wonderful student called Jerry who took my year long course, my power of eight intention masterclass during COVID. And he said at the end of it, I’ve had more love this year during the time of COVID than I ever have in my life because meeting every week with my group, I make people, we put people into groups according to their time zone in my year long course, and we have them meet every week.

And monitor what’s happening every week, week by week by, you know, it with them and with everybody else in their group. So people get really, really close. They get to know each other, it becomes like a little family. And many of these groups have gone on for years now and continue to meet week after week after week.

So Jerry loved it so much. He joined the masterclasses for the second year and I said, Jeremy, you’re going to learn the same stuff. And he said, I don’t care. I wanted more. And by the end of it, he said, I now know what love is. And I think that’s the key piece here too, you’ve got these people who just care so much for you and really want, you get to the point where you really want them to achieve what they want, almost more than you want to achieve things for yourself.

And that is also part of this process too. 


Lorne Brown:

You know, I often think in my practice, I have a hidden agenda. So when people are coming to manifest, I teach the tools to manifest. And really what I think they are is tools on how to be present, how to tap into the field. And often people come to a place where the manifestation is fun, but it’s no longer, Uh, necessary to manifest things.

It’s more about enjoying the joy, the love that they experience through connectivity to whatever you call this, the field. And then they have that with each other. It’s the, I need, or I want something that brings them to the work. Um, but the work, they have this transformation where it’s no longer about really needing to manifest and it’s just, um, developing the practice to stay present and not get caught up in separateness.

Has been my experience. And that’s what I like about what you’re teaching is because people will come because they want the healing and The healing really happens when I think you start to connect to this field and with each other, we all die, right? So but do we die with dignity? Do we die with love in our hearts or not, right?

And I think that’s the key where you don’t have regrets and, uh, at the end of the day, people want to be happy and we think it’s the car, the relationship, all these things are going to make us happy. And I’m sure, you know, from the work you do that at the end you get all those things. And if there’s, if you don’t have that connectedness inside, they don’t fill you up, right?

You’re still not going to be happy. 


Lynne McTaggart:

No. I mean, as I said, one of the things that was really interesting to me in researching my book, The Bond, was finding out how much we need to belong. You know, we need to belong more than we need to breathe.  The worst thing you can do to someone, according to science, is to ostracize them.

I mean, that’s why even indigenous cultures hold ostracizing for the worst possible punishment. That’s the thing they do when somebody’s really misbehaved. And we find it in need. The need to, people who commit suicide oftentimes do it because of Excessive individuation, as psychologists call it, they feel left out and being left out is something that we humans cannot bear.

So it’s part of that connectedness and community. Science has shown that when we’re part of a community,  it heals us from genetic diseases. It heals us from everything from heart attacks to strokes, even the common cold. People who are part of the community.  live longer, healthier, happier lives too. So that connectedness is really essential.

It’s more essential than having stuff. And we also need to give, we need to be part of that collective all the time. And, and that’s why I think these groups help to manifest so much.


Lorne Brown:

Two things as we wrap up here is one is I’ll check out your courses because you got, I know the start date soon. And is there a potential to do something like a project through my clinic?

Cause I have people because of the podcast that do manifestation, like a power eight on fertility. I always thought that one group together wouldn’t be as good as having a group where some want babies. So I want to cure cancer. Some want to, Like, I always think it’d be nice that the group was not so heterogeneous, that it wasn’t just fertility.

Um, but do you have a thought on that? 


Lynne McTaggart:

Well, mostly our people have all different kinds of, our power bait group have all kinds of things, you know, they have all kinds of issues. Some, you know, one person may want love. Somebody else needs healing. You know, I think that works well rather than, because here’s the problem.

Let’s say you’ve got nothing but fertility people. So somebody is pregnant and somebody isn’t. 


Lorne Brown:

That’s the triggering. It triggers people, right? They can’t, they can’t feel how they start to, yeah, they, they get triggered. They feel jealous. They feel guilty that they can’t feel happy for them.



Lynne McTaggart:

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. 


Lorne Brown:

So, uh, a diverse group would, I’ll follow up with you on that. And since we talked kind of off camera and I thought for a few minutes that we have left. Yeah. To have a little fertility focus. Cause in the publication that you have, what doctors, um, don’t tell you, I think you’ve had some, um, experience around reproductive health and, and things that you have worked with.

Can you share that with our audience as well? 


Lynne McTaggart:

Sure. So for anybody who is trying and not succeeding in having a baby or has had lots of miscarriages, there was an organization in the UK called Foresight and their whole program was how to get healthy before you try to have a child. And they had 89 success stories, an 89 percent success rate in helping people who were having fertility problems or had multiple miscarriages or had babies that were not healthy.

And what they did was very simple, a simple program of cleaning up. Heavy metals of looking at what supplements you needed, what you were low in, what you needed more of, whatever vitamins and minerals it was, oftentimes it’s zinc and magnesium, almost always with men in particular, but women as well, and would have you go through this cleansing and improving situation for about a year before you tried to, you know, to conceive.

And as I said, they had amazing success. You can find out more about it on our website, That stands for what doctors don’t tell you. I also wanted to just let people know on the intention front that we do have. Two things come up, and one is a course, our foundation course, called Intention Essentials, and it is a six session course.

You have a teaching session of five modules, and then the sixth session, you have a two hour live and interactive session with me, where I coach you, I put you in groups, and you get to test out everything you’ve learned. You can find it on my website,, and I’m also running a retreat called the Heal Your Past in an amazing place called Broughton Hall, which is the runner up for the location for, uh, Downton Abbey.

It was the second one. It’s a 16th century stately home with 3000 acres. It’s a highly spiritual place. And I work with people for a whole week with my husband, Brian Hubbard, author of a book called The Untrue Story of You and who developed a timelight protocol for healing your past. We use retro intentions.

We use a lot of retro time travel and we help people heal their past. Forgive, be grateful, and move forward. So you can find out more about both on my website,


Lorne Brown:

And when you say retro intentions, basically things that have happened in our past, you help them heal. 


Lynne McTaggart: 

Yeah, we bring people back to that time.

You don’t change what happens. You change your power. People get traumatized by big and small events in their past. when their power is taken away from them, usually when they’re small children or, you know, young adults. And so we help people take back their power in the situation. So you don’t change what happens.

You change your response to it. And we have a whole mechanism for doing that with retro intention. Then we also help them map a new future where they’re free of that past. That is holding them back. So this is, we work with people for, this is a seven day retreat. It’s in this amazing part of the Yorkshire Dales in Northern England.

So you can find out more about it on 


Lorne Brown:

Excellent. And I love to hear, I’m glad that we’re kind of ending on that because many people come in with, here’s my history. And they think because that’s their history, they don’t have a good future because of the trauma they experienced. And more and more we’re learning that we, like you said, the event doesn’t change.

My wording would be how you perceive it and experience it changes. So then your reality does change in the current present because you’re no longer having the same meaning or perception that you had before you take the charge out of it. 


Lynne McTaggart:

You take the charge out of it. And for us, we take the energy out of it.

We work with both Brian and myself, work with this past event as energy. And we show people how to take back their power, how to release that energy, and become, as my husband puts it, time light. So, We do that, and we also help people see the whole situation in the round with all kinds of exercises and experiential work, so they understand, we’ll call it the transgressor, and why that person did what they did.

We also work with generational energy as well that affects people. But as you say, most of the time, this is exactly what holds people back from manifesting. That event that may have happened, and we work with people who have had horrific childhood situations. In fact, my husband had a highly abusive, uh, father, verbally abusive, who held him back in every regard. 

He created his own therapy, this time light therapy, to heal his own depression, which he did. 


Lorne Brown:

Yeah, in my practice, and I’m just seeing so many teachers of consciousness, which I consider you doing this, and your husband as well, um, when we do our manifestation process, I have this step I called, my listeners have heard this multiple times, NAC, Notice, Accept, Choose Again, Where we bring in tools to interrupt the story, um, to heal the past.

We’ll bring in EFT and psych care or inner child work, but the framework of noticing it, right, like everything that happens is neutral and then we give it meaning. So when you believe in the story, you make it real. So the first part is just to notice it, then to accept it. So not to give it a resistance.

Accept it means to take up a relationship with it. We use tools with that. So you’re kind of witnessing it. It’s bringing the light to the darkness. That’s how the light transforms the darkness. Light is awareness, witnessing darkness out of these uncomfortable feelings or subconscious programs that don’t serve you.

And then when you lower the resistance, what I think is happening, when you fully can surrender to what is without judging and analyzing it, The resistance drops and you tap into presence or the field and now there’s a sense of relief and now you have that ability to tap into potential and choose again, how do you want to be an experience in the world and that’s how I love to interrupt that story and using tools from there’s so many tools out there.

But again, when I read people like yourself or listen. I see that framework of NAC everywhere now, um, with all the great teachers and, and you being one of those great teachers, Lynne. You guys got to check out, um, her website cause she’s got fabulous books. Um, you’ve heard her talk about the power of eight.

So that is a book as well. So check out the power of eight. And then on her website as well, she has podcasts and webcasts and she has all these courses and retreats. So if you’re looking for that transformation, if you’re looking for that, healing. If you’re looking to develop tools to support your family, friends, and community, then, um, I encourage you to check out website. 

And, uh, the last related question to the fertility side is somebody asked the other day, cause I’ve been sharing about the altruistic part. When you do this work, if, if you can, like, you know, somebody wanted to become a doctor, you know, there’s the respect, the money, the, the coat, but But if you see yourself healing people, helping people, it has a little bit more of an altruistic side of it, if that’s part of your reason, and you can bring that into your visualization.

And somebody said, well, what’s so altruistic about me wanting to have a baby and I didn’t have an answer for her, right? 


Lynne McTaggart:

Well, I think it’s an act of altruism to bring another person into this world. Um, once she has the baby, she’ll see what altruism is because pretty much nine tenths of your life is being out of the picture and being just the frame.

You know, as somebody put it, you’re not in the picture. You’re not the center of the picture anymore. You’re just the frame you are giving to a little being all the time. So she will find it out.  


Lorne Brown:

I’ll help her remind that because the only time that I ever, I’ll use the word correct, but when somebody, when I ask, I always ask why behind what they want to get the feeling and when they want a baby, I ask why, and usually it’s, they want to love something, you know, that unconditional love, I heard it once or twice where alarm bells go off where they say, I want something to love me.

And I, I share with him that it’s a one way street. Your job is to love your baby, but it’s not your baby’s job to love you. And I go, you have parents, right? And they go, yeah, I go, you love them all the time. I guarantee you, they love you all the time.  


Lynne McTaggart:

That’s a good one. That’s a good one. Yes. And you know, um, one other thing too, I meant to say just on a tactical thing, aside from the diet and supplements route. Acupuncture has really, we had a woman in my, um, in our office who couldn’t get, she had a multiple miscarriages and, and it was so sad and she’d hit 40 and she had had a miscarriage and I sent her to my acupuncturist who actually got my first labor going. You know, I had, I had a 10 month pregnancy and just, but I had a natural Obstetrician who’s so wonderful and this, I went to my acupuncturist and just said, can you start this labor?

And he said, sure. And got me some electrode acupuncture and boom, within a few hours. And the same thing with this woman in our office, I sent her to him for something else related to the miscarriage, but he had become a fertility specialist and he gave her some treatments and bam, she got pregnant and has a little baby now.


Lorne Brown:

Yeah. Well, I’d like to let you share about the heavy metals and detox because at our practice, we use the term nourish the soil before you plant the seed. Yeah. The idea is cleaning up your diet. We do supplements, we do herbs, acupuncture, low level laser therapy, and um, and then often the mind body stuff to clean out the negative vibrations that, you know, the stress and that creates an environment.

And you mentioned, uh, it’s about a year, but if you can have that balanced environment for a hundred days, that’s follicular genesis. So the ovulation a woman has, the quality of that egg, if the peak potential of its fertility is determined based on the hundred days before. So we can clean out the diet supplements, all that.

And then they’re healthy for those next hundred days. You’re going to impact, um, the egg quality. 


Lynne McTaggart:

Definitely, definitely. 


Lorne Brown:

And acupuncture is a big part of that. So yeah. 


Lynne Mctaggart:

Great. Oh, good. Absolutely. Good, good, good. Thanks. Keep the faith. I guess we’re in for a little bit of a bumpy ride now. But, um, my favorite I’ll close with a hilarious Trump comment.

I hope you saw that he had a tomb of the unknown podiatrist.  And he was championing over the weekend, or I guess Memorial Day, the podiatrist who had signed up that he had flat feet, you know, who just got him out of serving for Vietnam. And he said, and those kinds of doctors were really at risk.

Losing their licenses. So he said, he gave everything so that I could give nothing. 


Lorne Brown:

Did he say that? 

Lynne McTaggart:

He did. He did. He did. 


Lorne Brown:

That’s how crazy the world is. That’s how crazy. That’s how crazy. And he can say that out loud.  


Lynne McTaggart:

He probably got applause. So I love that. I love that.


Lorne Brown:

Lynne, thank you so much for joining me today on the Conscious Fertility Podcast. 


Lynne McTaggart:

It’s been a delight to be here with you. Thank you. 


Lynne Mctaggart

Lynne Mctaggart

Lynne McTaggart is a leading expert on the new science and consciousness and the award-winning author of seven bestselling books, including The Intention Experiment and The Power of Eight. She created the Intention Experiments, a global online laboratory, and was featured in Dan Brown’s novel The Lost Symbol. A sought-after speaker, McTaggart has appeared in documentaries like What the Bleep?! Down the Rabbit Hole and The Living Matrix. She co-owns and directs What Doctors Don’t Tell You, a respected health magazine in 14 languages. Named one of the world’s 100 most spiritually influential people, McTaggart has received multiple accolades, including the Global Woman of the Year. She lives in London with her husband, Bryan Hubbard, and they have two adult daughters.


–      Lynne McTaggart Books

Hosts & Guests

Dr. Lorne Brown
Dr. Lynne McTaggart

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